Prophet Bushiri’s Bible Up-close: Values of Christianity

By | July 31, 2016

Christian life has it’s challenges, but at the end of the day it is Christ in and through us. In everything we do, we resemble Him, as we go by our daily lives in His character. In everything we do, we do with Him in us.Bushiri column

Bushiri column

Looking at things in general, one has to think about whatever they do and ask themself questions. Would Christ be as sick as you are? Would  He who made silver and gold be broke and in debt? Whatever situation you are in, think what Christ would do if it were Him. But because Christ is in you, give Him the trust to see u through whatever situation as He has proven Himself to be the Redeemer.

Whatever you endeavour in, whatever you touch, you have to ask yourself if He who is in you would do it, just as He would never be sick. Jesus gave His life up for you, when you were as bad as dead due to sin. Do you think He would not give you healing if you ask for healing, in time for healing? It is time Christians knew who they are and what they have, it is that time when people should see what Christ does for His beloved. Because He is faithful, He will do it for you, with you.

It is important for Christians to remain sober minded, God releases miracles to His children, but satan also comes with temptations, and then one finds themself in an ultimatum, which one do you choose, a miracle from God or succumb to sin? He is faithful, check for God’s promises in the bible, use them when you pray, and see if He wont do it for you. With God, you get what you expect, if you expect a big house, He gives you that, if you expect God not to release big miracles for you, but just a small car, you will get a small car.

“And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:13-14 NKJV.
Using the name of Jesus invokes the Holy Spirit to release that ressuraction power, using the name ‘Jesus’, brings Christ to the scene. Its then up to Him, to see to it that the prayers are answered, all that is required is faith in Him. For He is able to do just what He says He will do.

Never underestimate the love of God for His children. It is His desire to lavish His love on them. However, one must understand the fact that He requires one thing of us, He calls us to be Holy just as He is Holy. He is a perfect God, although no one in earth is perfect, He longs to see us strive for perfection. Jesus died for us, so that we could live for Him. Live a life that is pleasing to God, like He did. Even the heavens opened as He was just baptized, for 30 years pleasing God, until heaven opened and God Himself spoke.

To see Heaven opening and God speaking forth to your situation, you need to live life in the character of Christ. Being made in His likeness, with Him giving us power and authority, and nothing being hard for Him, what is it that’s troubling u? Take it to God, Christ will do it for you, with you. He does not fail, nor does He lie. You as a Christian have powers and privileges, dont allow sin to strip you of your privileges.

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How can one please God? The bible records that Christ went to pray, until His appearance changed to pure white and great men of God descending to be with Him. Look into how he has been, He fasted 40 days and nights, and more. What inspiration can you draw from this? Live in the spirit, just as our Father in heaven is Spirit. “I say then: ‘Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish’. ”
Galatians 5:16-17 NKJV

Resist the devil, and he shall flee from you. Conduct yourself in a manner that is pleasing to God. Live in the Spirit, because we are spiritual beings. But one needs to understand this is un-doable without God’s word. Bible reading is an integral part in a successful spiritual walk, because that’s then will the Holy Spirit be a reminder, as Christ says He lives us as a reminder of everything He taught us, meaning the Spirit will have something to remind us, the bible.