Beautify Malawi donates medical suppliers to Chatinkha at Queen’s Hospital

By | August 20, 2016

Beautify Malawi donates medical suppliers to Chatinkha at Queen’s Hospital

Beautify Malawi (BEAM) Trust has donated medical supplies worthy K5 million and cash amounting K500, 000 to Gogo Chatinkha Maternity Unit at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre to help improve service delivery.

BEAM donates to chatinkha wing - Pic Mayamiko Wallace - MANA

BEAM donates to chatinkha wing – Pic Mayamiko Wallace – MANA

The medical supplies include adjustable crutches, women disposable underwear, CO2 tubes for laparoscopy, tibia fracture braces, x rays detectable gauze and tourniquets.
Speaking during the handover ceremony, BEAM Chairperson for the South Stephen Kuyeli said the donation shows that the First Lady Dr Gertrude Mutharika is commitment to reducing neo-natal and maternal deaths in the country.
“The First lady recognizes the various challenges that hospitals in the country face especially at maternal wards hence this gesture to mobilize medical supplies and money to help address some of the problems,” said Kuyeli.
Kuyeli added that BEAM will continue collaborating with various stakeholders in an effort to improve people’s livelihoods in the country.
According to QECH Maternal Ward Matron Christina Mbiza, the hospital registers high neo-natal and maternal deaths due to inadequate and overused medical equipment.
Commenting on the donation, QECH Gynecologist Dr Frank Taulo expressed gratitude for the donation saying it will go a long way in alleviating some of the challenges rocking the maternal ward and the hospital at large.
“We have limited medical equipment here which fails to meet the demand of people accessing medical services. As such, this donation will ease some of these challenges,” he said.

BEAM Trust is championed by the first lady and endeavors to ensure good sanitation and safe motherhood.

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