UNIMA Medical Humanities Conference 2017

By | August 17, 2017

UNIMA Medical Humanities Conference 2017

Chancellor College is pleased to announce a 3-day international medical humanities conference to be held at the college’s Great Hall in Zomba, on 24th& 26th August 2017. In Europe and North America, medical humanities is understood as an emerging discipline which explores the social, historical and cultural dimensions of medicine. This conference offers a formal space to further our understanding of how illness, wellbeing, medicine & treatment intersect with the arts and humanities and to encourage discussions on what these concepts mean in an African context. It provides a highly interdisciplinary platform for a diversity of perspectives and inquiries into African concepts of health and wellbeing. Malawi’s own scholars–the late Professors Steve Chimombo and Chris Kamlongera–were pioneers in bringing the arts into conversation with health, community and development. The conference aspires to showcase the vibrant, contemporary medical humanities research within Malawi and throughout the African continent.

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