Paray School of Nursing Staff Recruitment

By | July 21, 2016

Paray School of Nursing Staff Recruitment

Staff recruitment is the core function of the HR department and attraction and recruitment of high calibre staff is critical in a knowledge-based organisation like Paray School of Nursing. So the institution ensures that only highly motivated and capable employees are hired.
Advertising is used as a means of attracting highly qualified individuals to become part of the school by directly advertising for specific positions and also for disseminating general information about the work environment. Online and print media advertisements will be used as means of advertising. Once adverts are placed, applications can be forwarded online and manually to the specified email address and contact address respectively. The institution fills all its positions with the best-qualified candidates who meet the minimum hiring standards in terms of education, experience and competencies. Each position in the institution has detailed minimum hiring standards, which must be adhered to at all times.
The institution will, in all cases, strive to fill positions with the nationals. However, in cases where it can be demonstrated that local skills are not available, the institution will seek the employment of non-local (international) people for specific periods and in compliance with the requirements of Immigration Laws.

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