Malawi sports scribes drilled in Pool reporting

By | July 29, 2016

Sports journalists belonging to the Sports Writers Association of Malawi (SWAM) were on Thursday, July 28, drilled on pool reporting in a one day long workshop held at Crown Hotel in Lilongwe.

Chigamula: Promoting Pool

Chigamula: Promoting Pool

Malawi News Agency Sports reporter Arkangel Tembo and friends enjoying a game of pool at Mpira Sports Bar

Malawi News Agency Sports reporter Arkangel Tembo and friends enjoying a game of pool at Mpira Sports Bar

The workshop was sponsored by a Lilongwe business man, Lefnos Chigamula, who also sponsors the Central Region Pool League and it drew participants from Mzuzu, Balaka, Mangochi and Lilongwe.

In the morning, President of the Central Region Pool League, Franco Banda and his General Secretary, Lameck Munthali, took the journalists through the background history of the game of pool and rules that govern its play.

Later in the afternoon, the journalists were ferried to Orient Pool Club in Area 47 where Munthali illustrated a number of issues regarding the game on a pool table in a practical session.

SWAM Vice President, Leaonard Shara, explained that unlike with football, netball, boxing and basketball, not every sports journalist in Malawi could competently write a comprehensive and effective report on pool because they did not have the basics on how the game is played hence the need to hold the workshop. He thanked  Lefnos Chigamula for sponsoring the workshop.

On his part, Chigamula said he was impressed with the way the Central Region Pool League Committee was running the game. He added that it was for this reason that he accepted to sponsor the workshop so that the game of pool gets much publicity not only for league in the centre but also across the nation.

“I want pool to be at par with football. It’s a nice game that needs the attention of journalists and the whole public.

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“ It is my hope that the partnership between sports journalists and the beautiful game of pool will be further strengthened for the development of sports in this country,” explained Chigamula.