Apply for Area Sponsorship Analyst Vacancy 2017 | WVI

By | July 16, 2017

Apply for Area Sponsorship Analyst Vacancy 2017 | WVI

World Vision International

World Vision International
World Vision began working in Malawi in 1982 with community infrastructure projects including schools, under five health centres and water systems. By 1992, World Vision had established longer-term community-based Area Development Programmes, and is now helping close to one million people.
Currently, World Vision is working with communities in 23 districts through 37 long-term Area Development Programmes (ADPs).

Area Sponsorship Analyst

Reference : 7525-16G26122
Location : Africa – Malawi
Town/City : Ntchisi
Application Deadline Date : 24-Jul-17
Category : Sponsorship
Type : Fixed term, Full-time
International Role : No – Only National applicants will be considered.
Duration : 2+ Years


Purpose of the position:
To maintain an updated AP Sponsorship System and related applications by timely and appropriately capturing data into SINGLESTEP and effectively manage the to-do list in order to effectively support sponsorship operations and contribute to the Child Well-being outcomes. This also emphasizes the responsibility of the Job holder to track the impact and contribution of all project interventions towards the attainment of the CWBOs.
Major Responsibilities: (please define in output format things of what you expect to see as a result of this position)

Key Roles Expected outcome/result

  • Support sponsorship DF in community awareness and education on child sponsorship as an asset for development
  • Facilitate registration of children into the sponsorship program.
  • Facilitate training/capacity building of child monitors or community groups on sponsorship business processes mainly quality of data capturing.
  • Process and forward child information to Support Office and sponsors,
  • Process and forward requests to field for action
  • Initial feedback is given to SO on queries within 48 hours
  • Complete, timely and accurate responses are sent to SOs within 14 days.
  • All community change Agents, volunteers and DFS are using right codes in sponsorship forms
  • Requests are sent to field within 48 hours
  • All sponsorship correspondences are sent within standards

  • Lead in updating the programme in new sponsorship system efficient initiatives.
  • Utilise QuicksSTEP for entry of CH and CMS forms.
  • Utilise ID scanner initiative for entry of presence and participation information
  • 100% of CHs and CMS forms are entered using QuickSTEP
  • 100% of presence and participation information are entered using ID scanner
  • 100% of RC have scanable identity cards

  • Inputting, updating and processing of child data in SingleSTEP,
  • Generation, quality check, distribution and interpretation of systems reports to end-users.
  • Create and maintain records for systems processes and reports
  • Enter into singleSTEP sponsor mails, GNs, queries and other data relating to CWBOs (Monitoring forms, Participation & support) within 48 hours of receipt.
  • Review and enter images and videos to standards before sending to SO.
  • Effectively manage the “To Do List”
  • All CHs, CMS forms, CGVs, collected from field are entered in system within 72 hours of receipt
  • Sponsors mails, GNs, Queries, RC monitoring forms are entered into singleSTEP within 72 hours of receipt
  • Ensure “to do” list has no outstanding issues.
  • Records of RC who has died is removed from SingleSTEP with appropriate within 7 days

  • Ensure community are using appropriate monitoring forms
  • Review children that have not been sighted and share with the Manager and DFs on weekly basis
  • Generate authentic information on the well-being of children to inform community action, programming, budgeting and management decision making on weekly basis
  • Facilitate appropriate action that ensures the well-being of children as enunciated by the partnership Child Well Being Aspirations & Outcomes framework,
  • Ensure that DFs are using appropriate CMS forms
  • Produce RC monitoring reports and share with DF and programme manager every 30 days
  • Produce “Presence and Participation” reports and share with DF and Manager every 30 days
  • Produce ‘RCs with exception” reports and share with DFs and Manager every 30 days

  • Make periodic review of child records and compare electronic records and physical records to ensure data integrity
  • Review child physical records and ensure they are kept safely
  • Lead in ensuring that all sponsorship records are timely and appropriately filed
  • Visit RC homes to verify child records once every 30 days
  • Visit the field office and verify data in child files once every 30 days
  • RC forms are sent field and filed in child files once every month
  • Ensure Records of

  • Work with Programme Manager to securely maintain all sponsorship databases and sponsorship equipment.
  • Perform a daily back up of all data in line with World Vision IT policies
  • Ensure that singleSTEP databases is constantly upgraded as per GCIT requirements
  • Keep register of all sponsorship equipment and ensure they are working
  • AP SingleSTEP databases have less than 2000 pending messages always
  • Ensure that singleSTEP machine has password and is updated every 3 month

  • Provide guidance to AP team on revised child protection standards and reporting protocols.
  • Review child photos and videos so that they reflect child integrity
  • Ensure that Child abuse cases are reported to Sponsorship manager within 24 hours
  • Ensure 100% of videos and PF depict RC integrity
See also  MEDCOL 2017 Job Vacancy : Research Nurse

PROFILE: Core Capabilities: (proficiency levels; 1=developing 2 =proficient 3=advanced)

Core Capability Proficiency level
(1, 2, 3)
Examples of advanced proficiencies
(A full list of indicators available in Core Capabilities into Job Descriptions – A Manager’s Guide)
Indv Ldr
Achieving Capabilities
Achieving qualityresults and service 3 3 Example:

  • Communicates with integrity to different stakeholders
  • Pursues thoroughness and appropriate detail
  • Completes tasks in a timely, cost-effective way
  • Responds promptly in a professional manner
Practicingaccountability and integrity 3 3
Communicatinginformation effectively 3 1
Thinking Capabilities
Thinking clearly, deeply and broadly 3 3 Example:

  • Review AP performance against organisationalstandards and benchmarks
  • Ability to reject of incoming information below standard after quality control
  • Ability reject incomplete child details before processing
Understanding theHumanitarian industry 2 2
Understanding WV’s mission & operations 3 3
Practicing innovation &change 2 2
Self-managing Capabilities
Demonstrating Christ-centered life and work 3 3 Example:

  • Stop the use of the systems at program level when systems corruption or fatal errors are detected
  • Use all experiences as learning opportunities
  • Ensure staff balance work, family and community commitments
Learning for growth and development 2 2
Maintaining work/life balance 2 2
Relational Capabilities
Building collaborativerelationships 3 3 Example:

  • Inspire open and trusting networks of relationships
  • Model global thinking and local action
  • Seek clarity on other people’s points of view
Practicing gender & cultural diversity 2 2
Influencing individuals & groups 2 2

Other Competencies/Attributes:

  • Mature and committed Christian.
  • Good IT and Computer skills up to a Diploma level.
  • Ability to demonstrate community development skills.
  • Able to work with minimum supervision
  • Able to meet strict deadlines.
  • Demonstrate high levels of integrity.
  • Ability to ride a motorbike is an added advantage

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience

  • Minimum Diploma in any social studies or business management
  • At least 5 years’ experience in development
  • Those with Degree will have added advantage.
  • Adaptive and willing to work in a rural set up.
  • Must have good interpersonal relations.
  • Must have basic understanding of World Vision mission, vision and core values.
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